Tuesday 22 October 2013

What and why?

What and Why?

If you've been keeping track of what this little project is about, and have read every article so far, you'll know that the other night I had actually set foot into the world of writing this book. Prologue. I spouted out the start of a story, decided I wasn't happy with how I wrote it, so change perspectives entirely, shortened it and introduced less characters. The book is started.

Before I get too deep though, I want to establish a couple of things that I feel that are essential to know before getting into a project before it's too far into the process. What am I going to do, and more importantly, why am I going to do it? It's a big topic this one and I'll try to make it somewhat brief because there's just too much thinking that can be done about it. I think this kind of understanding is important to have because if you don't know what you want, you lose track of where you are, and if you don't know why you're doing it you don't have a motivator. You won't far without motivation, and I feel like you'll only get motivation if you know what you want.

So. What do I want from this?

I want to actually do something with my life. When I'm getting old and all that, and the grand kids ask me to tell them a story, I'll have the ability to do that because I'm throwing myself at any opportunity I get, even if it doesn't work. I also want enjoyment from it. I feel like I ooze creative energy, whether it's in my videos, livestreams or in general conversation with those I care about, I'm always after the next new thing I can create or do. Writing is one of these outlets that has very few limits on what's possible, because everything's unique when it comes to creation. It's full of wonder because nobody's actually done exactly what you've done before. Unless you're making a call of duty game.

Why Am I doing this?
We kind of hit on this in the last paragraph. I'm doing it because I want to, and because I want enjoyment, but also because it's part of a college project. Technically it doesn't have to be because I just have to write a blog, I've gone the extra mile and written a blog about a book that's being written each night.
I guess another reason why I want to do this, is because it would be pretty cool to be able to say I've had a book published. That would be cool.

So yeah. Everything seems to be established.
Time to get to work. Chapter 1.

(You may notice soon that these either get shorter, or less frequent because I'm probably going to be getting into this heavily.)


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