Friday 25 October 2013

I must be doing something right.

I must be doing something right.

I must be doing something right, as the last few days all that's been in my head is writing this book. On the bus to and home from college I kept throwing around character depth ideas, just visualizing them in certain situations and imagining how they might behave or how they'd react. I was coming up with back story to all three whilst listening to a relaxing piece of music, for around an hour straight one evening, as I sat myself down to start writing the second chapter of the novel.

How is it before I started this project I had very little REAL interest in writing, and was just doing it to see where it went, to within a week where it was almost all consuming? The characters I have I've started to really take pride in and think they have some good depth to them, and the antagonist of the story has started to be hated by even myself, which I find incredibly strange. I kept reading through what I had written so far, which comes to around 10,000 words, looking through it to see if I'd missed anything and found myself changing the words within ever so slightly, just to make it tick right in my head.

I'm getting ahead of myself as well, as I'm starting to come up with where the story will be in several chapters time; thinking what might happen who's going to do what, and when the pivotal parts of the story will happen and how it will effect which characters. This you could say is natural but I want the story to unfold inside my head as I'm writing it, so it feels completely natural to me instead of something I'm scripting out then acting on. I've already noticed that the story itself has changed several times since I started writing it. I had no idea where I wanted to send the character I was writing or who was entering when.

My point here is that I'm enjoying myself wayyyyy more than I thought I was going to whilst writing this out. A couple people were interested in what I was talking about one night in a skype call, so I sent them a section of what I had already got down. They seemed to be into it and are interested in where it's going next. They'd ask me "what's it going to be about?" and I simply had to respond with an "I don't really know" because that's the truth.

I must be doing something right because I'm having fun and doing this more than I thought I was going to be. Here's hoping I stick at it, get the book written and can get it published. That goal is a massive one because publishing is similar to YouTube, Twitch and anywhere else. It's difficult to get into. Very difficult.

Anyway, I'll swing by again when I have something to say.

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