Thursday 7 November 2013

Words Are Emotions

Words Are Emotion

As I've started getting deeper and deeper into this book, I've started connecting with the characters a lot more, thinking up back stories for them and personal traits that they carry from situation to situation. Key points in the plot have now been laid out and I think I'm about ready to get stuck into the real meat and potatoes of the novel.

Before I started writing this section of the novel though, I wanted to step back and take a look at what I had already written, and what I read back left me in a state of shock, because I saw it from a completely different perspective. As I was reading certain aspects of the book, the plot and the characters within it started popping out at me, showing me the aspects of my life that are just littered all throughout the darned thing, and what scared me most is that I didn't even notice it as I was writing it.

I don't think by any stretch of the imagination that it harms the book, if anything I think it enhances it because of connection between the characters I'm writing about and myself. Even if some of the parts aren't a direct link to something I've felt in the last five, six or seven years I can see loose connections to it, and it surprised me because it just... Shone through.

Knowing that this is happening makes me feel good, to be honest because it must mean I'm getting into what I'm writing, and putting some passion behind what's being put onto the page. I hear so often "you can't take any meaning from words on a page, especially places like facebook and twitter, there's just no human emotion going into what's being said." For a long time I believed it, but maybe I've reached something that might change my mind, because for once I've looked at written words from a different perspective; instead of just words they're words written by someone who has feelings, and everyone feels differently, so everything that's written is emotional? I don't know. It was just something that came to mind and I figured I'd write an entry about it, as I haven't done one of these for a few days.

Book's coming along great, really enjoying it and I'm about to get properly stuck into it with one of the main chapters.


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