Tuesday 19 November 2013

An Introduction to Lawrence Murray and Louise Francesco

An Introduction To Lawrence Murray and Louise Francesco

I want to take this time to give a brief break down as to what this book's actually about, because the more I mention it on social media sites and to friends/co workers, the more the question "what's it about" pops up. I understand that and have been happy to answer such questions mainly, but there's been one problem. I've not actually vocalised or written out a synopses for the book yet, because I've not needed one before; therefore, I'm unable to describe it well enough. So, I figured I'd come out and write a piece about the background of the story and give you an introduction to one of the character's I'm starting to love.

Lawrence Murray is a man in his mid twenties who for many years has been a thief, jumping from place to place on the globe every so often to make his way in the world as best as he can. He does this because the idea of a nine to five in an office makes the lining in his stomach spin, and he's able to move around as he pleases, taking what he needs to survive and live in the open air. On the odd occasion he'll stay at a small hotel for a while and get to know some locals, then he'll get bored, take his fill of goods and move on.

You may ask, how doesn't he get caught? Lawrence is good with disguises and creates different characters depending on his situation, so his identity is hidden when he's in public, and then he performs his work at night so he's relatively out of sight. For a couple of years he was alone in his journeys, until one day he came across a girl of similar age, called Louise Raina, who was attracted to the somewhat cocky attitude Lawrence set forward. There was an instant connection between the two, and Louise shared the ideology of a life in the open air and decided to join Lawrence on his travels, where the two would work together and become relatively skilled in their art. Over the coming years they'd bond closer and closer, when an untimely argument splits them apart and Louise is lured in by the charms of another man.

Lawrence is forced to move on without her, even though mistakes had been admitted by Louise and she begged him to stay, but things got incredible complicated and Lawrence moved on, even if it was against his will. For five years he roamed England, drowning himself in remorse and anger, digging himself into a deeper and deeper state of depression. We pick our story up when he decides he's going to go back for Louise and see just what's up and whether or not she even remembers him. The story follows their attempt to free Louise from a tyrant of a husband, who's abusive and vile to her but well connected in some dangerous industries. There will be violence, there will be risks, there will be thievery and there will be some unexpected twists in their plan.

That, is the basis of my story and I'm getting more and more emotionally connected to it the more I write it; and I strongly believe that there are people who would enjoy it when it's finished. The text above shouldn't give anything away that's in the book essentially, it's a backstory and a catching up let's say to bring you up to speed.

Feel free to share this post around to anyone you think might be interested in this kind of story, so they can then dial themselves into my twitter or whatever for when it eventually gets published. I'm looking into a couple of different publishing methods and I can say now when it's done it will be available to buy somewhere, so keep your eyes peeled. I want to be one of the first gaming YouTubers to be a published "author". ;)


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